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Wine Gummy Bears

Wine Gummy Bears

I love a gummy. Gummy bears, gummy worms, swedish fish, you name it. I also love wine. You too? Then these wine gummies are for you. They’re an adult version that’s more wine than sweet. Sure you can buy these at mall candy stores but they’re outrageously expensive. These are so easy to make and just cost the price of your half finished (or really 3/4 finished) bottle of wine.

You can make them with any kind of wine – red, white, rose, even sparkling – just make sure you like the wine because you’ll definitely taste it! Bonus: Your girlfriends will love you for these. I can’t tell you how many texts I got asking for samples after I posted these on Instagram.

Gummies made with Moscato. A sweet, sparkling white wine.

Gummies made with Moscato. A sweet, sparkling white wine.

Wine Gummy Bear Recipe:

10 minutes prep
1.5 hours cooling

Over 200 small gummy bears.
If your mold holds larger gummies, then the yield will be less.

Not. These are super easy.

Special equipment:
Gummy bear molds

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  • 1 cup wine of your choice. Sparkling wine tastes great with these, but it does make getting rid of air bubbles a little harder.

  • ½ cup granulated sugar

  • 3 TBSP or 4 packets of unflavored gelatin. Not jello.

  • ¼ tsp citric acid (Optional but recommended.)


  1. Line a baking sheet with a piece of parchment. Place gummy molds on top of the parchment. This will help contain any mess and make it easy to move molds into the refrigerator once filled.

    • Tip: If a baking sheet won’t fit in your fridge, just put the molds on something sturdy and flat that will fit. You won’t actually be baking these.

  2. Combine all ingredients in a small pot. 

  3. Whisk mixture constantly over a low heat until sugar and gelatin dissolve. 1-2 minutes. Note to wine lovers: If you don’t want to cook off the alcohol make sure to keep the heat low.

  4. Remove from heat and immediately pour the liquid into the molds being careful to pop any air bubbles that form. Bubbles in your bold = bubbles in the final product. See the image at the bottom of this post.

    • Tip: If your molds came with eyedroppers I recommend using those to do this. It’s a little tedious, but it’s really easy and makes the least mess. Plus you can use it to pop air bubbles as you go. If you don’t have an eyedropper, just pour the liquid in to a liquid measuring cup with a spout and carefully pour it into your olds.

    • Tip: Use an offset spatula or the back of a table knife to scrape off any excess from the mold. 

  5. Refrigerate for 1.5 hours. If they are set they should come right out of the mold. If they don’t, let them refrigerate for a little longer.

  6. Store in the refrigerator when not eating them :)

A few tips:

  • If you have extra of the wine/gelatin mixture after filling all of your gummy molds, just let it sit out until your first batch is ready. Once your molds are available, put the excess mixture in a microwave safe container and heat for 10-15 seconds. Whisk again then pour into molds and chill as you did your first batch. 

  • Adding ¼ - ½ tsp Citric Acid will stabilize the sugar and keep them from getting grainy after a few days. If you’re going to eat them right away then you can skip this. 

  • I use these gummy bear molds. They’re dishwasher safe, and the gummies pop right out of them. Plus they come with eyedroppers that make getting the liquid into the molds a little tedious but super easy

  • If your gummies start sticking together, put them in a container with a lid, add ¼ tsp cornstarch and shake vigorously. They make get a tiny bit cloudy looking but they’ll still be cute and won’t stick.

  • If using a port, cut down the sugar by half unless you want something REALLY sweet.

  • I mentioned removing the air bubbles when filling your molds. This is because you’ll see them in the final product. See the bubbles in the photo below? Those will show up in the gummy once it’s set.

Bubbles In Gummies.jpeg

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