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Atlantic Beach Pie

Atlantic Beach Pie

Summer is full of backyard gatherings and picnics, so I'm always on the lookout for a simple but impressive, and of course delicious, dessert that doesn't require turning the oven on too hot or too long. I've had this Atlantic Beach Pie recipe bookmarked for years now. Every summer it makes an appearance in my New York Times Cooking newsletter and the lemon/lime flavors call out to me, but for one reason or another it's never made it onto my table. Maybe it was my skepticism about how easy it would be, or maybe I was just tempted by viral recipes like those Salted Margarita Bars. In any case, this fourth of July I decided was the ideal time to try it out as my contribution to the neighborhood holiday barbecue. (At this point I almost feel like it's my duty to bring the dessert to these get-togethers!)

Atlantic Beach Pie is a simpler riff on a lemon meringue pie, substituting the graham cracker crust for a saltine crust and meringue for whipped cream. A perfect dessert for those of us who are into that salty/sweet thing. You can use any fresh juice you like. I opted for half lemon and half lime. Our 4th was a very hot day, so I appreciated the lighter take with the whipped cream, it made the citrusy custard pie a refreshing way to end the meal.

I love my retro glass pie plate, it's helpful for seeing when the crust is done and looks so pretty on the picnic table. Since it is 9½ inches rather than a 9-inch plate the filling will be a little shallow, so I place dollops of whipped cream around the pie edge to help fill it out. Next time I might double the filling because yes, there will absolutely be a next time.

Atlantic Beach Pie Recipe:

Find the recipe on New York Times Cooking

Easy, no special equipment needed other than a whisk. Though it is made easier with a food processor.

If you try this recipe let me know how it goes for you and what other desserts you plan to make this summer.

Photo of a pie with lemon/lime filling and whipped cream on top

Photos by Daniel Marks

I received a small fee for the links in this post.

Chocolate Shortbread Hearts

Chocolate Shortbread Hearts