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Bourbon Chocolate Mousse

Bourbon Chocolate Mousse

With bourbon, espresso, warm spices, and dark chocolate, this is a creamy indulgence with layers of flavor. You’ll first taste the rich blend of chocolate and bourbon and then the cinnamon and chili notes chime in, making this chocolate mousse a unique treat. 

I first made Bourbon Chocolate Mousse back in May to celebrate Dan and my first wedding anniversary. Naturally I wanted to serve something special, but I also wanted to make something fairly easy that I could prepare ahead of time. I recently made it again, and this time added ground cinnamon and chili powder because I was trying to mimic the flavors of Mexican chocolate. It ended up so incredible that I had to share. I hope you’ll love it as much as we did. 

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Photo by Daniel Marks

Photo by Daniel Marks

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Bourbon Chocolate Mousse Recipe:

4 servings


Heavy bottom saucepan
WhiskStand mixer, or hand mixer
Dessert glasses - These are the ones I used in the photo


  • ¾ cup heavy cream, cold

  • 2 TBSP strong, brewed espresso or coffee

  • 2 TBSP bourbon

  • ½ tsp vanilla extract

  • ¼ tsp kosher salt

  • ¼ tsp ground cinnamon

  • Scant ¼ tsp chili powder (optional)

  • 6 ounces dark chocolate, chopped (not chocolate chips)

  • 2 large eggs, room temperature

  • ¼ cup granulated sugar

  • 2 TBSP water, room temperature

Adapted from this blender mousse recipe.


Whip the heavy cream by hand or with a machine until glossy, medium peaks form, then refrigerate.

In a small bowl or measuring cup with a spout, stir together espresso, bourbon, vanilla, salt, cinnamon, and chili powder. Place the chocolate and eggs in a blender. Let them sit.

In a small saucepan with a heavy bottom, combine the sugar and water and heat until the mixture just starts to boil and remove from heat. Start pureeing the chocolate and eggs together in the blender then slowly pour in the hot sugar mixture while the machine is still running until very smooth. Pour in the bourbon-espresso mixture and continue to puree for another 2 minutes or until the mixture is at about room temperature.

Good to know: The hot sugar mixture cooks the eggs while they are pureeing together, making this mousse safe to eat.

Remove the whipped cream from the refrigerator and gently fold in 1 cup of the the chocolate mixture until combined, then add the remaining chocolate to the cream and fold until thoroughly combined. Pour into individual dessert glasses and place - uncovered until completely cool - in the refrigerator to set until firm. Around 2 hours. Mousse can be prepared up to 24 hours in advance. 

Sprinkle with fleur de sel or top with more whipped cream if desired, and serve chilled. 

Photo by Daniel Marks

Photo by Daniel Marks

Dessert Tacos with Chocolate Mousse

Dessert Tacos with Chocolate Mousse

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