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Chewy Apricot Almond Granola Bars

Chewy Apricot Almond Granola Bars

These easy, almost no-bake granola bars are everything I wish the store bought varieties were: nutty, chewy, full of fruit and flavor. And with no refined sugar it’s even a healthy-ish snack. The light sprinkling of dark chocolate on top really brings out the apricot and ties it all together. 

Enjoy them as a quick, light breakfast or when the afternoon munchies hit.

P.S. Don’t skimp on the quantity of maple syrup or nut butter. These ingredients are the binders that hold the bars together. 

Try to find plump, soft, dried apricots. It will make a big difference in the flavor of your bars. (Photo by Daniel Marks)

Try to find plump, soft, dried apricots. It will make a big difference in the flavor of your bars. (Photo by Daniel Marks)

Chewy Apricot Almond Granola Bar Recipe:

Adapted from:

16, 2-inch squares


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  • 1 cup whole oats

  • 1 cup puffed whole grain cereal, crispy brown rice cereal, or similar*

  • ½ cup raw or roasted almonds (unsalted), roughly chopped 

  • ½ cup dried apricots, chopped

  • 1 ½ TBSP chia seeds or sesame seeds (optional)

  • ¼ tsp table salt 

  • ½ cup maple syrup

  • ½ cup natural almond butter 

  • ¼ cup semisweet chocolate, chopped (optional)

*I used Kashi brand 7 Whole Grain Puffs 


Preheat oven to 320° F. 

Spread out oats in a single layer on a baking sheet. Toast in the oven until golden brown, around 4 minutes but check sooner to make sure they don’t burn. Remove from oven and let cool a bit in the pan. 

Spray an 8 inch baking dish and line with plastic wrap with about a 5 inch overhang on 2 sides. 

Combine cooled oats, cereal, almonds, apricots, salt, and chia or sesame seeds (if using) in a large bowl. Set aside. 

Heat maple syrup and almond butter over a low heat, stirring to combine thoroughly. Remove from heat when melted together.  Do no let boil. 

Stir the syrup mixture into the oats mixture until the dry ingredients are evenly coated with the almond butter and honey. 

Pat the mixture evenly into the prepared pan. Sprinkle chopped chocolate over top and press the entire mixture firmly down into a smooth-ish, flat layer so everything sticks together. Cover with the overhanging plastic and refrigerate until set. About an hour or two. 

Remove from pan by lifting up on the plastic wrap. Remove plastic wrap and place on a cutting board to slice. Cut firmly to slice through the almonds. The bars may crumble a little on the edges, just press them back together.

To store:
Store them in the refrigerator to keep firm. If stacking, layer between sheets of wax paper or parchment so they don’t stick together. 

(Photo by Daniel Marks)

(Photo by Daniel Marks)

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