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Roasted Tomato and Corn Galette with Cheddar Crust

Roasted Tomato and Corn Galette with Cheddar Crust

Well, here I am, living up to my previous confession that I can’t resist a recipe with cheese baked into it. This gorgeous pie by Erin Jeanne McDowell has a healthy quantity of cheddar cheese baked into the all-butter pie crust. I mean, how could I let that go unmade? The filling is a simple combination of tangy, smoky roasted tomatoes and corn, studded with spicy scallions and fresh basil. A mouthwatering balance of flavors, and the ultimate transitional meal as we go from summer to fall. My husband and I had generous slices, accompanied by a simple green salad for Sunday dinner. Quite a treat.

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Photo by Daniel Marks

Photo by Daniel Marks

Roasted Tomato and Corn Galette with Cheddar Crust Recipe:

On New York Times Cooking:

1, 15-inch galette


Things to know…

This is a BIG pie!! I rolled out the crust to 16 inches rather than the prescribed 17, so when the crust was rolled over the filling it would fit on my 14 inch unrimmed cookie sheet. All this is to say, make sure you have a plan for how to cook it. It will certainly fit on a standard half sheet pan, but it won’t be a circle! You could halve the recipe, but it holds up just fine for a day or two and it’s the same effort, so why not go for it! Rolling out the crust on a large mat like I did also makes it easy to transfer to the baking sheet, just roll it out and flip it over onto the sheet and peel off the mat. This is the one I use. It’s inexpensive and easy to clean.

I’m sure it’s delicious made with fresh corn, but shucking 5 ears of corn seemed like a lot, of work, so I opted to use frozen kernels. I defrosted them before baking and patted them dry so they wouldn’t add moisture to the filling. Speaking of, I don’t recommend skipping the the step of roasting the tomatoes before adding them to the pie. Roasting adds significant flavor and also releases water so you don’t end up with a soggy crust for dinner.

Let me know if you give this one a try!

Photo by Daniel Marks

Photo by Daniel Marks

Walnut Whole Wheat Bread

Walnut Whole Wheat Bread

Peanut Butter Ice Cream Pie with Jam Swirl

Peanut Butter Ice Cream Pie with Jam Swirl